Beginning of the Semester Reminders

When preparing materials for shipment; please remember to check the list of ILDS participants.  Also, when you train new staff, please emphasize the need for care in selecting the proper destination. Many direct stops have similar names, including all those that begin with “Illinois.” Appropriate reference to the participant list will also reduce the number of items that are sent to library system locations, rather than being sent directly to an ILDS participant. 

When shipping materials to non-ILDS locations, remember to check L2 Library Learning for the proper “ILDS Stop” code listed for the library that you are sending material to.  We have received reports recently of bags being sent through ILDS to the wrong system hub due to incorrect labeling.  The Illinois Library Delivery Workflow Chart is a useful tool when determining the proper way to send material to ILDS and non-ILDS locations.

Finally, please check the ILDS bags that you are using for any rips or tears prior to sending them through ILDS.  A quick check of the bags you are using can help prevent damage to material.  If you receive a damaged ILDS bag, please discard it. If you have any questions or concerns regarding ILDS, please send an email to .