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Select your library:
ADL - Adler University
AGC - Saint Augustine College
AIC - American Islamic College
ALP - Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
ANC - Saint Anthony College of Nursing
ARU - Aurora University
AUG - Augustana College
AVI - CCC Arturo Velazquez Institute
BEN - Benedictine University
BHC - Black Hawk College - Quad Cities Campus
BLC - Blackburn College
BRA - Bradley University
BRN - Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing
CBG - Chicago Botanic Garden
CLC - College of Lake County
COD - College of DuPage
COL - Columbia College Chicago
CON - Concordia University Chicago
CPL - Chicago Public Library
CRL - Center for Research Libraries
CSC - Carl Sandburg College
CSU - Chicago State University
CTS - Chicago Theological Seminary
CTU - Catholic Theological Union
DAC - Danville Area Community College
DOM - Dominican University
DOP - Dominican University-Chicago Campus
DPU - DePaul University
DPX - DePaul University Loop Campus and Rinn Law
ECC - Elgin Community College
EIU - Eastern Illinois University
ELM - Elmhurst University
ERI - Erikson Institute
ERK - Eureka College
EWU - East-West University
FLD - Field Museum of Natural History
GRN - Greenville University
GSU - Governors State University
HRT - Heartland Community College
HST - CCC Harry S. Truman College
HWC - CCC Harold Washington College
ICC - Illinois Central College
ICO - Illinois College of Optometry
IEF - IECC Frontier Community College
IEL - IECC Lincoln Trail College
IEO - IECC Olney Central College
IEW - IECC Wabash Valley College
IID - Illinois Institute of Technology-Downtown
IIT - Illinois Institute of Technology-Galvin
ILC - Illinois College
IMS - Illinois Math and Science Academy
ISL - Illinois State Library
ISU - Illinois State University
IVC - Illinois Valley Community College
IWU - Illinois Wesleyan University
JAL - John A. Logan College
JKM - JKM Library Trust
JML - UIC School of Law
JOL - Joliet Junior College
JUD - Judson University
JWC - John Wood Community College
KCC - Kankakee Community College
KIS - Kishwaukee College
KKC - CCC Kennedy-King College
KNX - Knox College
KSC - Kaskaskia College
LAC - Lewis & Clark Community College
LEW - Lewis University
LFC - Lake Forest College
LLC - Lincoln Land Community College
LUC - Loyola University of Chicago
MBI - Moody Bible Institute
MCK - McKendree University
MHC - McHenry County College
MIL - Millikin University
MLS - Meadville Lombard Wiggin Library
MON - Monmouth College
MRT - Morton College
MVC - Moraine Valley Community College
MWU - Midwestern University
MXC - CCC Malcolm X College
NBT - Northern Seminary
NBY - Newberry Library
NCC - North Central College
NEI - Northeastern Illinois University
NIU - Northern Illinois University
NLU - National Louis University
NPU - North Park University
NUH - National University of Health Sciences
NWU - Northwestern University
OAK - Oakton College
OHC - CCC Olive-Harvey College
ONU - Olivet Nazarene University
PRC - Principia College
PRK - Parkland College
PSC - Prairie State College
QCY - Quincy University
RCC - Richland Community College
RFM - Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science
RJD - CCC Richard J. Daley College
RKC - Rockford University
ROU - Roosevelt University
RSH - RUSH University
RVC - Rock Valley College
SAI - School of the Art Institute of Chicago
SCC - Shawnee Community College
SEI - Southeastern Illinois College
SFM - Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing
SIC - Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
SIE - Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
SIM - Southern Illinois University-School of Medicine
SJC - Spertus Institute
SJN - Saint John's College of Nursing
SML - University of St. Mary of the Lake
SRC - Spoon River College
SSC - South Suburban College
SVC - Sauk Valley Community College
SWI - Southwestern Illinois College
SXU - Saint Xavier University
TIU - Trinity International University
TRN - Trinity Christian College
TRT - Triton College
TSA - Theosophical Society in America
UCH - University of Chicago
UIC - University of Illinois at Chicago-Daley
UIH - University of Illinois at Chicago-LHS Chicago
UIP - University of Illinois at Chicago-LHS Peoria
UIR - University of Illinois at Chicago-LHS Rockford
UIS - University of Illinois at Springfield
UIU - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
UNI - Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
USF - University of St. Francis
VCM - VanderCook College of Music
WCC - Waubonsee Community College
WHE - Wheaton College
WIU - Western Illinois University
WQC - Western Illinois University - Quad Cities
WRH - Harper College
WWC - CCC Wilbur Wright College
XBR - RAILS - Burr Ridge
XCV - RAILS - Coal Valley
XEP - RAILS - East Peoria
XGV - RAILS - Geneva
XRF - RAILS - Rockford
XSW - RAILS - Bolingbrook
XWH - RAILS - Wheeling
ZCA - IHLS - Carbondale
ZCH - IHLS - Champaign
ZED - IHLS - Edwardsville
Select the destination:
ADL - Adler University
AGC - Saint Augustine College
AIC - American Islamic College
ALP - Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
ANC - Saint Anthony College of Nursing
ARU - Aurora University
AUG - Augustana College
AVI - CCC Arturo Velazquez Institute
BEN - Benedictine University
BHC - Black Hawk College - Quad Cities Campus
BLC - Blackburn College
BRA - Bradley University
BRN - Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing
CBG - Chicago Botanic Garden
CLC - College of Lake County
COD - College of DuPage
COL - Columbia College Chicago
CON - Concordia University Chicago
CPL - Chicago Public Library
CRL - Center for Research Libraries
CSC - Carl Sandburg College
CSU - Chicago State University
CTS - Chicago Theological Seminary
CTU - Catholic Theological Union
DAC - Danville Area Community College
DOM - Dominican University
DOP - Dominican University-Chicago Campus
DPU - DePaul University
DPX - DePaul University Loop Campus and Rinn Law
ECC - Elgin Community College
EIU - Eastern Illinois University
ELM - Elmhurst University
ERI - Erikson Institute
ERK - Eureka College
EWU - East-West University
FLD - Field Museum of Natural History
GRN - Greenville University
GSU - Governors State University
HRT - Heartland Community College
HST - CCC Harry S. Truman College
HWC - CCC Harold Washington College
ICC - Illinois Central College
ICO - Illinois College of Optometry
IEF - IECC Frontier Community College
IEL - IECC Lincoln Trail College
IEO - IECC Olney Central College
IEW - IECC Wabash Valley College
IID - Illinois Institute of Technology-Downtown
IIT - Illinois Institute of Technology-Galvin
ILC - Illinois College
IMS - Illinois Math and Science Academy
ISL - Illinois State Library
ISU - Illinois State University
IVC - Illinois Valley Community College
IWU - Illinois Wesleyan University
JAL - John A. Logan College
JKM - JKM Library Trust
JML - UIC School of Law
JOL - Joliet Junior College
JUD - Judson University
JWC - John Wood Community College
KCC - Kankakee Community College
KIS - Kishwaukee College
KKC - CCC Kennedy-King College
KNX - Knox College
KSC - Kaskaskia College
LAC - Lewis & Clark Community College
LEW - Lewis University
LFC - Lake Forest College
LLC - Lincoln Land Community College
LUC - Loyola University of Chicago
MBI - Moody Bible Institute
MCK - McKendree University
MHC - McHenry County College
MIL - Millikin University
MLS - Meadville Lombard Wiggin Library
MON - Monmouth College
MRT - Morton College
MVC - Moraine Valley Community College
MWU - Midwestern University
MXC - CCC Malcolm X College
NBT - Northern Seminary
NBY - Newberry Library
NCC - North Central College
NEI - Northeastern Illinois University
NIU - Northern Illinois University
NLU - National Louis University
NPU - North Park University
NUH - National University of Health Sciences
NWU - Northwestern University
OAK - Oakton College
OHC - CCC Olive-Harvey College
ONU - Olivet Nazarene University
PRC - Principia College
PRK - Parkland College
PSC - Prairie State College
QCY - Quincy University
RCC - Richland Community College
RFM - Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science
RJD - CCC Richard J. Daley College
RKC - Rockford University
ROU - Roosevelt University
RSH - RUSH University
RVC - Rock Valley College
SAI - School of the Art Institute of Chicago
SCC - Shawnee Community College
SEI - Southeastern Illinois College
SFM - Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing
SIC - Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
SIE - Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
SIM - Southern Illinois University-School of Medicine
SJC - Spertus Institute
SJN - Saint John's College of Nursing
SML - University of St. Mary of the Lake
SRC - Spoon River College
SSC - South Suburban College
SVC - Sauk Valley Community College
SWI - Southwestern Illinois College
SXU - Saint Xavier University
TIU - Trinity International University
TRN - Trinity Christian College
TRT - Triton College
TSA - Theosophical Society in America
UCH - University of Chicago
UIC - University of Illinois at Chicago-Daley
UIH - University of Illinois at Chicago-LHS Chicago
UIP - University of Illinois at Chicago-LHS Peoria
UIR - University of Illinois at Chicago-LHS Rockford
UIS - University of Illinois at Springfield
UIU - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
UNI - Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
USF - University of St. Francis
VCM - VanderCook College of Music
WCC - Waubonsee Community College
WHE - Wheaton College
WIU - Western Illinois University
WQC - Western Illinois University - Quad Cities
WRH - Harper College
WWC - CCC Wilbur Wright College
XBR - RAILS - Burr Ridge
XCV - RAILS - Coal Valley
XEP - RAILS - East Peoria
XGV - RAILS - Geneva
XRF - RAILS - Rockford
XSW - RAILS - Bolingbrook
XWH - RAILS - Wheeling
ZCA - IHLS - Carbondale
ZCH - IHLS - Champaign
ZED - IHLS - Edwardsville
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